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A Seaside Cafe with a View on Yeongjongdo Island

by 글쟁이신사 2024. 3. 19.

What's the Best Day to Enjoy the Scenery?


With more and more days of fine dust in our country, it seems like windy days are the best for enjoying the scenery.

However, it's cold so you have to watch from a nicely heated indoor space!

Yesterday was just such a day. You couldn't see the planes far off that well, but the sunset over the ocean was vivid on a day like that!

It's already been a full year since I started living on Yeongjongdo...why didn't I come watch the sunset sooner during that time? I thought I should come often from now on.

This is just my personal opinion, but if it's a cafe, the coffee really has to be delicious, right?

But it seems to be getting harder and harder to find a cafe with really tasty coffee amidst the flood of cafes these days. To be honest, Mashirang Cafe here doesn't have amazingly delicious coffee either.

However, the breads here are different from the bakery cafes that are only bakeries in name these days.  

Personally, rather than coffee, I recommend having things like Golden Medal apple juice or bottled drinks when you come to a cafe like this.  But it's also fine to think of it as paying for the great view and having the coffee.

The strengths of Mashirang Cafe are the large parking lot, outdoor seating, diverse seating on the 2nd floor, and lastly the window seats on the front row where you can watch the sunset over the ocean.

Do you know how to distinguish cafes and restaurants with solid basics among the many out there?

Just look at 3 things.  

Greetings, kitchen, restroom. Actually since we can't easily go look at the kitchen, it ends up being 2 things.

1. Greetings
2. Restroom

Places that greet customers first when they come in and say goodbye when they leave, places with clean restrooms (I'm not talking about new vs old, but at the very least whether they clean it once a day).

At Mashirang Cafe, the staff always greet you first when you go to the counter. (These days there are a lot of places that don't even greet customers when they come in. Can a place that doesn't do the basics of customer service do anything else properly?) Mashirang Cafe also has pretty clean restrooms.  

And there is a separate smoking booth in one corner of the parking lot so non-smokers are free from cigarette smoke as well.

231203 6pm in front of Mashirang Cafe facing the ocean